![]() Ten years ago I was really poorly, I'd been bed bound for three years with ME/CFS and I was struggling. There was little information around for people who were so ill, half the medical profession didn't know you could get that ill with ME, the other half didn't believe it even existed. I was frustrated and isolated and I knew that I wanted to do something about it. I decided I'd put together a leaflet of tips for people with severe ME and gather up all the things that worked for me and others with the chronic illness. It was a slow process; I couldn't physically read or write, I was just too ill. I had to dictate everything to my Mum, who was brilliant. Gradually we put it all together, over a couple of years. It expanded as we realised how much information we had to share, from a leaflet, to a small booklet, to realising it needed to become a whole book! It was incredible watching it come together and know that it was going to help people, make a difference. Finally in 2004 it was printed by a charity I was working with and they sent it out for free, to all their severely affected members. I was so proud of it and delighted at the positive reaction it got. There had been a huge gap and I'd filled it with a practical guide to living with ME. I heard back from sufferers, from doctors and OTS, specialists who were using it with their patients. The book had gone further than I ever imagined it could! Things changed, life moved on and I gradually got a bit better, leaving a lot of it behind as I explored new challenges. Now though, it feels like the right time to go back and update the book one last time. To add to it all the knowledge I've gained since the first publication and to bring it into the world again. Not just for people with ME/CFS; but for anyone that's living with a chronic illness, because I've met more people and realised that a lot of the themes and information are relevant to all kinds of illnesses. It feels very strange and emotional to look back on it. To revisit what was my own personal hell. I'm on the other side and that helps; but it does bring all the horror back. It feels important to do this, not just for the new people I know it can help; but for me too. There's a lot that happened during that time that I suppressed, because I was just too weak to deal with it; but now feels the time to bring it out into the light, to see it for what it is and to release it once and for all. Surviving Severe ME changed lives and I know that the new version Thriving not Surviving, LIVING life with chronic illness, is going to do even more. Image courtesy of marin / FreeDigitalPhotos.net Claire Wade is the winner of the Good Housekeeping Novel Competition and author of The Choice. She was bed bound for six years with severe ME, trapped in a body that wouldn't do what she wanted. She now writes about people who want to break free from the constraints of their lives, a subject she's deeply familiar with.
7/3/2013 04:13:15 am
So inspiring that you wrote this when you were at your lowest. You are really such a kind person who wants to help others all the time. Really, truly inspiring. 7/3/2013 02:38:33 pm
Claire.. I love that even with such intense challenges you did so much good for so many others.. your big heart and divine guidance led you to something bigger. Cheers to the revival.. and to the growth and insights you've gathered along the way.. Love your new website too. Love and blessings, lisa 8/3/2013 03:30:45 am
Thank you for telling your story so that others can learn. It's all too easy for me to forget to be thankful for what I'm able to do in the course of a normal day. I appreciate your perspective and look forward to watching you change the world! How lovely to read about your journey, and your creation that has gone on to help so many ME sufferers! And GOOD FOR YOU, three cheers really for expanding it and now writing to help chronic disease sufferers! I'm so happy to hear of your success and wish you loads more! YAY! Your message will impact so many lives! Thank you for sharing this! :) 11/3/2013 11:51:41 am
As always Claire, I'm inspired and humbled by your blog posts. I can only begin to imagine your life experiences. I love that you are not only lifting yourself, but taking your experiences out to uplift others. Comments are closed.
Claire WadeI'm an author, disability activist, winner of the Good Housekeeping First Novel Competition and The EABA for Fiction 2020 and founder of Authors with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses (ADCI). The Choice is available from:DETAILS:
Title: The Choice Publisher: Orion ISBN: 1409187748 You can keep up to date with all my latest blog posts by signing up to my email newsletter.