The Itty-Bitty Book Club is my virtual book club, held in the world's tiniest book shop*.
We hang out on Facebook in our own exclusive group, open to anyone who loves books and cakes.
Have a wander around, browse the teeny-tiny books, grab one off the shelf and make yourself comfortable. There's armchairs aplenty and a very obliging host (me) who will make you any drink you want, plus there's cake. There's always cake.
Come and join us over on Facebook.
Let's talk books, cake and the magic of stories.
- I want to know about the books that changed your life.
- The ones you can't forget.
- The ones you want everyone to read.
- The ones you love so much you're too terrified to recommend in case someone hates it and it ruins your relationship forever...
I'm Claire Wade, author of The Choice and winner of the Good Housekeeping Novel Competition.
I adore stories in all their forms: books, films, TV, theatre. I love stories that make me think and I hate sad endings.
I'm going to be over there, eating some chocolate cake with a hot cup of tea.
Sounds like fun?
Come and join me.
*tiniest book shop claim not supported by Guinness World Records.