![]() Have you ever had one of those moments when everything shifts? It could be while you're talking to someone, reading a book or even watching TV; but all of a sudden something clicks inside you. It's like your whole life has been picked up, turned upside down and then righted again. Everything is in the exact same place; but it's like the whole world is completely different. Just like a snow globe. I seem to keep having these Snow Globe Moments, where everything I knew, or thought I knew, changes. Insights that just stops me in my tracks and make me rethink everything. They're disconcerting and like a snow globe it takes time for everything to settle, for the swirl of chaos to come back down. It does eventually; but even then nothing is ever quite the same again. Do you know what I mean? Claire Wade is the winner of the Good Housekeeping Novel Competition and author of The Choice. She was bed bound for six years with severe ME, trapped in a body that wouldn't do what she wanted. She now writes about people who want to break free from the constraints of their lives, a subject she's deeply familiar with.
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Claire WadeI'm an author, disability activist, winner of the Good Housekeeping First Novel Competition and The EABA for Fiction 2020 and founder of Authors with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses (ADCI). The Choice is available from:DETAILS:
Title: The Choice Publisher: Orion ISBN: 1409187748 You can keep up to date with all my latest blog posts by signing up to my email newsletter.