Writing Progress: I'm finally getting back into the swing of first draft writing. I've remembered it's meant to sound rubbish so that I can rewrite it into something better. It's a strange experience switching to new characters, I hadn't realised how attached I'd got to the characters in the Shame Box. It feels a little bit like going on a first date, getting to know new people while still pining for your ex.
Publisher News: Nothing yet.
Crafts Made: I've started a rag rug, one of my favourite and most relaxing crafts. I'm using up the backs of old concert t-shirts, the fronts are ready to be sewn into a quilt. It's a really easy craft and is growing quickly.
Cakes Baked: Two - A princess cake for the Clandestine Cake Club's Birthday Cakes themed meeting. I had a similar cake when I was six and it has always stayed in my memory as the best birthday cake I ever had. Making my own was a challenge and part way through I thought I might have destroyed all happy memories by attempting my own but with some strategically placed fondant flowers I was really pleased with the result. I didn't want anyone to cut it! I also made a Raspberry and Almond cake for Mum's birthday. It was incredibly good and one that will be added to my book of recipe to make again. Claire Wade is the winner of the Good Housekeeping Novel Competition and author of The Choice. She was bed bound for six years with severe ME, trapped in a body that wouldn't do what she wanted. She now writes about people who want to break free from the constraints of their lives, a subject she's deeply familiar with.
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Claire WadeI'm an author, disability activist, winner of the Good Housekeeping First Novel Competition and The EABA for Fiction 2020 and founder of Authors with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses (ADCI). The Choice is available from:DETAILS:
Title: The Choice Publisher: Orion ISBN: 1409187748 You can keep up to date with all my latest blog posts by signing up to my email newsletter.