![]() Tonight was a fun evening I went to my first ever blogger party! I didn't even know such things existed, at least not in rural Norfolk; but when I heard about it and that not only would I meet some other bloggers; but get to dress up too, I jumped at the chance. I had no idea what to expect; but it was a really fun evening with everybody looking very glam. I got the chance to wear my new dress, desperately holding on to a splash of summer despite the torrential rain. I talked to some bloggers including Hannah from NR11 Blog a lovely lady who reviews recipe books - how cool is that? She gets sent free cookbooks to review and I definitely like the sound of that. Then there was Mike a photographer at Rebel Heart Photography an awesome name. Just before I left, I talked to Vicky Myers who makes handbags - my idea of heaven! I'm looking forward to having a browse of their blogs, it will be nice to see what other people are getting up to. Blogging is quite a solitary past-time, so to get out and meet others made a great change. I picked up some ideas and a definite shot of motivation to keep going. ![]() We even got to take home a goodie bag - it was like being at a kid's party for grownups. No annoying tooters and balloons that burst in these bags though - we got tights from Tights Please, false eyelashes from PaperSelf, dried pineapple and chocolate from Drop Dead Chocolate and FabEast. A random mix; but a fun surprise to unpack. And can you tell that the majority of guests were female?! Is this a trend that more women than men blog? It's not something I'd considered before. Claire Wade is the winner of the Good Housekeeping Novel Competition and author of The Choice. She was bed bound for six years with severe ME, trapped in a body that wouldn't do what she wanted. She now writes about people who want to break free from the constraints of their lives, a subject she's deeply familiar with.
14/9/2013 01:15:34 am
It was a great evening:) Impressed you have already blogged about it!! Thanks for the mention, Vicky
Sophie Baggs
15/9/2013 04:01:45 pm
Love the nasils Comments are closed.
Claire WadeI'm an author, disability activist, winner of the Good Housekeeping First Novel Competition and The EABA for Fiction 2020 and founder of Authors with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses (ADCI). The Choice is available from:DETAILS:
Title: The Choice Publisher: Orion ISBN: 1409187748 You can keep up to date with all my latest blog posts by signing up to my email newsletter.