![]() I've been feeling suffocated over the past week, with frustration, doubt and insecurity. It's all felt a little too much. I take on big projects, have big ideas which I love; but sometimes progress can be slow. In fact there are times where I feel like I'm running on the spot, working hard, doing things; but not really getting anywhere. Do you ever feel like that? It's enough to make you want to scream. I've certainly been feeling ick about everything, wanting things to change; but not seeing how I possibly can change them. Today I decided to forget about all the "big" things and just concentrate on achieving a few small jobs that have been niggling at the back of my mind to do them. They were quick, relatively easy and once completed I felt/still feel like a superstar. I've got so much satisfaction over seeing something that I could start and finish in five minutes that it's lifted my mood completely. So if you're feeling stuck too, wanting to scream, shout or throw something then I really recommend finding something small you can achieve right now. It can be as small as sorting a pile of "stuff" that's annoying you, to replying to a letter or email, or putting that book or DVD back on the shelf. It might not change the world; but in a small way it will make yours feel much better. Try it and see. Let me know what you find helps when you're in overwhelm. What turns things around for you? Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net Claire Wade is the winner of the Good Housekeeping Novel Competition and author of The Choice. She was bed bound for six years with severe ME, trapped in a body that wouldn't do what she wanted. She now writes about people who want to break free from the constraints of their lives, a subject she's deeply familiar with.
1/3/2013 12:33:42 pm
Running has become my go to for all kinds of icky feelings. Tired, overwhelmed, anxious, frustrated. Something about running works to get me out of the funk! 1/3/2013 03:04:09 pm
This is a great article Claire, thank you. I've been decluttering for some time now and i have to break it down into small tasks or I freak out with overwhelm! I think this is something I need to apply to my business too. 2/3/2013 11:03:12 am
We're actually in Mercury Retrograde (you can google it for more info) and this feeling is quite common. It ends in a few weeks so good thing cuz if I felt like this all the time I'd NEVER get anything done. A good hot cup of tea works wonders for my mood. My favorite is called CALM by Tazo. 3/3/2013 02:10:46 pm
Thanks, Julie for clarifying, now it makes sense that sometimes everything gets postpone. 3/3/2013 02:14:35 pm
Great tips, Claire, sometimes it help me in similar situations when results or progress are not so obvious, I start "collecting evidence of success", thus it will allow me to concentrate on what good has been achieved and it brings more and more successes.Sometimes I just allow myself to chill out and do nothing. 4/3/2013 02:09:35 pm
There is NO joy like crossing something off your to do list is there? When I get really stuck in my life I do this same thing: reduce my to do list into small achievable tasks and let the momentum of crossing things off my list carry me through. Love, love, love this. Comments are closed.
Claire WadeI'm an author, disability activist, winner of the Good Housekeeping First Novel Competition and The EABA for Fiction 2020 and founder of Authors with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses (ADCI). The Choice is available from:DETAILS:
Title: The Choice Publisher: Orion ISBN: 1409187748 You can keep up to date with all my latest blog posts by signing up to my email newsletter.