I don't know if you know; but I'm writing my first novel! It's exciting! (And a little scary too!) As a little hint it's set around the world of cakes and baking. I'd love you to join me on my Facebook page Claire Wade Come and check it out - there's lots of daily conversations - including chats about books and sharing recipes & baking tips- basically my two favourite things! Just click the 'Like' button below or head on over to https://www.facebook.com/clairerwade I've got to say I love Facebook, the way you can "meet" people from all over the world, share pictures, find out about new things - I've done so many courses and tried lots of recipes because of Facebook - Cream Egg Brownies and MugCake anyone? Twitter I find exhausting;but Facebook is definitely fun. I'm spending more and more of my time on there and would love you to join me! Claire Wade is the winner of the Good Housekeeping Novel Competition and author of The Choice. She was bed bound for six years with severe ME, trapped in a body that wouldn't do what she wanted. She now writes about people who want to break free from the constraints of their lives, a subject she's deeply familiar with.
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Claire WadeI'm an author, disability activist, winner of the Good Housekeeping First Novel Competition and The EABA for Fiction 2020 and founder of Authors with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses (ADCI). The Choice is available from:DETAILS:
Title: The Choice Publisher: Orion ISBN: 1409187748 You can keep up to date with all my latest blog posts by signing up to my email newsletter.